Home > dreams > Dreams and Visions II

Dreams and Visions II

deadbishopThe events (a summary in case you are clueless) of the past several weeks involving the COGIC, its Presiding Bishop and the issue of homosexuality caused me to remember a dream I had on May 15th. I shared it with a select few on facebook at the time and asked for some insight. Aside from some obvious meanings, some elements of the dream puzzle me.  I want to share it here with you. Feel free to comment as you feel led to do.

In my dream, I attended the funeral for a major church leader in a black Pentecostal denomination. When I arrived at the service dressed in what I would say was the clerical garb of a bishop, the processional for the clergy was already lined up. The denomination’s new bishop was at the head of the procession and right behind him in line was OC Allen, the gay Atlanta bishop. He (Allen) appeared to be in greater regalia than the “presiding bishop”.  As I approached, an assistant was sent to me. In my hand, I held two glass roses. The assistant told me to go to the back of the line and I did. Then the assistant followed me back,  got in my face and said “A carry on? Really? A carry on?”. He repeated this to me several times with a tone of disappointment as if I had embarrassed every one.


The Founders Dream



Categories: dreams
  1. elder2
    November 23, 2014 at 4:09 am

    i want to know more about this dream.

    • November 23, 2014 at 4:59 am

      The entirity of the dream is in italics.

  2. November 17, 2015 at 2:00 am

    this is the clear meaning of the dream… At the death of Bishop Charles Edward Blake: the gay community will show up in their entire attire > this is their secrect Leader for years and the so called Saints stood by and did not denounce him or his actions. There is no shame to the gay community game now, and at the death of Charles Edward Blake,, there will absolutely be no shame. They will line up together and just about take over the service.. ( that is why you were being asked to go to the end of the line, others will also be directed to do so.) There will be so many of them, until no one will be able to quiet them. They will be seen and heard. A gay Bishop will lead the procession. Gays loves the color red,, it is loud, it is bright.. this will be the day for them to shine,, and shine they will do the two glass roses in your hand ( are red, not shown in your dream) Charles loves the color red and white.. the church will have red and white roses displayed everywhere some will even say the gay community sender. “Now it can be told” Bishop Charles Edward Blake is and always has been a closet homosexual”””

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